Rounding the Wheel of the Year: Celebrating the Seasons in Ritual, Magic, Folklore and Nature (Pagan Portals)
Rounding the Wheel of the Year: Celebrating the Seasons in Ritual, Magic, Folklore and Nature (Pagan Portals)
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Every month is full of magic, each day has its own energy, and the seasons rotate as part of the cycles of nature. Pagan Portals - Rounding the Wheel of the Yearlooks at ways to honour each month with folkloric customs, herb and plant lore, traditional crafts, spells, visualisations, and pagan rites that go beyond the eight festivals of Imbolc, Spring Equinox, Beltane, Summer Solstice, Lammas, Autumn Equinox, Samhain, and Winter Solstice. The wheel of the year turns smoothly, it doesn’t bump over eight cogs, and that’s the meaning of the title of this book. Inside these pages you will find the history behind some much-loved folklore and modern pagan customs, as well as practical suggestions for ways to celebrate the turning of the year.
Format:Paperback, 128 pages
Publisher:Moon Books
Published:27 October, 2023
Weight:156 g
Dimensions:216 x 137 x 10 mm
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